Selected Recent Papers
Perelberg, R.J. (2017). Love and Melancholia in the Analysis of Women by Women. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 98(6):1533-1549. […]
Perelberg, R.J. (2017). Rosine Jozef Perelberg on “A Father is Being Beaten”: Constructions in the Analysis of Some Male Patients. PEP/UCL Top Authors Project, 1(1):19. […]
Perelberg, R.J. (2015). Sobre el exceso, el trauma y la impotencia: Repeticiones y transformaciones. Int. J. Psycho-Anal. Es., 1(6):1707-1736. […]
Perelberg, R.J. (2016) Negative Hallucinations, Dreams, Hallucinations: the framing structure and its representation in the analytic process. Int. J., Psycho-Anal. 97:1575-1590
Perelberg, R.J. (2015). On Excess, Trauma and Helplessness: Repetitions and Transformations. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 96:1453-1476
Perelberg, R. J (2013) L’inquiétante étrangeté; tiercéité et temporalité, Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Décembre, Tome LXXVII 5 pp1551-1558
Perelberg, R. J (2013) Configurações Sexuais múltiplas. Revista Brasileira de Psicanalise, vol. 47 no 3 pp103-110
Perelberg, R. J (2013) Paternal Function and Thirdness in Psychoanalysis and Legend: Has the Future been Foretold. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, vol. LXXXII No 3 pp. 557-585.
Perelberg, R. J (2013) Some of the Current Themes in French Psychoanalysis, Int. J. Psycho-Anal., Vol. 94, Number 3, pp. 589-617.
Perelberg, R. J. (2013). Un Père est Battu, Revue Française de Psychanalyse, Tome 77 – n° 1. pp 170-194
Perelberg, R.J. (2012). The Analyzing Situation by Jean-Luc Donnet (Andrew Weller, translation) Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 93:239-245.
Perelberg, R J (2011) Noces de sang (Blood Wedding) Revue Française de Psychanalyse. Tome LXXV Numéro 5 Spécial Congrès sur Le Maternel, pp. 1615-1621.
Perelberg, R.J (2011) ‘A Father is Being Beaten’: Constructions in the Analysis of Some Male Patients. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 92:97-116.
Perelberg, R.J. (2010). Espacio y tiempo en la escucha analítica. Fuente: Libro Anual de Psicoanálisis ; n. 23 : p.163-175. Editor: Grafica GyG
Perelberg, R.J. (2010). Padre asesinado, padre muerto: revisitando el complejo de Edipo. Libro Anual de Psicoanálisis ; n. 25 : p.157-172.
Perelberg, R.J. (2010) Tila ja aika psykoanalyyttisessa kuuntelemisessa. Psykoterapia, 29(3): 206–219.
Perelberg, R J (2009) Après- coup dynamique : implications pour une théorie de la clinique RFP Tome LXXIII Décembre pp.1585
Perelberg, R J and Jozef, B (2009) Em Busca de Dom Casmurro – Machado de Assis (In Search of Dom Casmurro) Trieb Revista da Sociedade Brasileirda de Psicanalsie do Rio de Janeiro Vol. VIII, No 1, Junho, 15-22.
Perelberg, R.J. (2009) Murdered father; dead father: revisiting the Oedipus complex. International Journal of Psycho-analysis 90:713-732. Selected for the Livro Anual de Psicanálise XXV
Perelberg, R J (2009) On becoming a psychoanalyst in Psychoanalytic Inquiry, Volume 29, Issue 3 May 2009 , pages 247-263.
Perelberg, R.J. (2009) ‘Raum und Zeit im psychoanalytischen Zuhoren » in VorstoBins Sprachlose. International Journal of Psycho-analysis, Berlin: Diskord, pp. 92-117.
Perelberg, R.J. (2007) Space and Time in Psychoanalytic Listening. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 88:1473-1490.
Perelberg, R.J. (2006) ‘Violence and somatization’, Actualité Psychosomatiques, no. 9 Publication annuelle de l’Association genevoise de Psychosomatique, pp 17-36
Perelberg, R.J. (2006) The Controversial Discussions and après-coup. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 87:1199-1220.
Perelberg, R.J. (2005) Idées directrices pour une psychanalyse contemporaine: Méconaisssance et reconnaissance de l’inconscient [Key ideas for a contemporary psychoanalysis: Misrecognition and recognition of the unconscious] By André Green Paris: Presses Universitaires de France. 2002. 400 pp.. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 86:207-213.
Perelberg, R.J. (2004) Narcissistic configurations: Violence and its absence in treatment. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 85:1065-1079.
Perelberg, R.J. (2003) Full and empty spaces in the analytic process. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 84:579-592.
Perelberg, R.J. (2002). Espaços cheios e vazios no processo analítico / Espacios llenos y vacíos en el proceso psicoanalítico. Trieb; v. 1, n. 1/2 : p. 183-202, 2002.
Perelberg, R.J. (2002) ‘Sadisme, erotism and mélancolie’, Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse. Tome LXVI. pp1225-1230
Perelberg, R.J. (2001). El interjuego entre identificaciones e identidad en el análisis de un joven violento; cuestiones sobre la técnica. Libro Anual de Psicoanálisis ; v. 15 : p. 27-40.
Perelberg, R.J. (2001) ‘L’oracle dans le rêves: le passe et le futur dans le présent », Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse. Tome LXV Juillet septembre. Pp. 807-824
Perelberg, R.J. (2001) ‘L’Espace Psychique dans le Processus Psychanalytique’, Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse, Tome LXIV Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
Perelberg, R.J. (2000) ‘Jeux d’identification’, Libres Cahiers Pour la Psychanalyse Numéro 1, Printemps 2000 Paris; In Press Editions.
Perelberg, R.J. (2000) ‘Gewal und Sexualitat bei Mannlichen Borderline-Patienten’, Kinderanalyse Heft 1,Marz 2000, pp 1-23.
Perelberg, R.J. (1999) ‘’L’interaction entre identification et identité dans l’analyse d’u jeune homme violent : questions de technique », Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse, August. Tome LXIII, pp 1175-1191
Perelberg, R.J. (1999) The Interplay Between Identifications and Identity in the Analysis of a Violent Young Man: Issues of Technique. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 80:31-45.
Perelberg, R.J. (1996) Anthropology and Psychoanalysis: an Encounter Through Culture. Edited by Suzette Heald and Ariane Deluz. London: Routledge. 1994. Pp. 244. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 77:847-850.
Perelberg, R.J. (1995) Violence in Children and Young Adults: A Review of the Literature and Some New Formulations. Bul. Anna Freud Centre, 18:89-122.
Perelberg, R.J. (1995) Transmission de la Vie Psychique Entre Générations. By R. Kaës, H. Faimberg, M. Enriquez and J.-J. Baranes. Paris: Dunod. 1993. Pp. 208.. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 76:179-182.
Perelberg, R.J. (1995) Report on the Colloquium. Bul. Anna Freud Centre, 18:165-167.
Perelberg, R.J. (1995) A Core Phantasy In Violence. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 76:1215-1231.
Perelberg, R.J. (1993) The Psychoanalytic Treatment of Young Adults as a Rite of Passage: Discussion of the Conference. Bul. Anna Freud Centre, 16:95-103.
Perelberg, R. (1995) Guest Editorial. Bul. Anna Freud Centre, 18:87